Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Obama and Bikinis


     I've blogged about politics several times before.  Apparently there's this ...movement.... for the next election that's called "Anyone But Obama".  From post-it-notes left around local business to billboards on the highway, the phrase has become quite frequently and clearly expressed.  To be quite blunt, I find it offensive and ridiculous.  Why?  First of all, if it is a Christian sharing such sentiments, as it has been in some cases, then it seems we've forgotten that our direct Biblical mandate to our government leaders is to be subject and respectful to them.  That's right, we are not commanded to vote, picket, or push agendas.  My point is not that these are necessarily wrong; certainly voting in itself isn't.  My point is that we often ignore God's clear-cut rules and replace them for what we've decided is important.  And then in the process, we often break God's clear-cut rules.  "Anyone but Obama" is hardly respectful to our president; hence, when we use such slogans we are breaking God's rule.
    Secondly, I find it offensive and ridiculous because of what it simply states.  "Anyone but Obama"??  Seriously??  I really don't think I need to explain much more here... just think about it.  Think about all the "anyone's" that we could have instead of Obama.  Hopefully, that thought will cause us to be grateful for him instead of despise him.  'Cause boy could it be worse.
     I strongly invite you to read my other blogs on politics to get a better, bigger picture of my position, especially in the area of Christians' response to our government.


    I've also blogged on modesty a lot before, and again invite you to read those blogs for my full position.  For here and now, I just want to share this video clip that I absolutely adore!

1 comment:

  1. Um, wow, I loved that video - amazing! Thanks for sharing!!
