Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Americans, Politicians, Christians, and Jesus- Part 3

The last link I will share is to a sermon by Pastor Ben Rust, whose blog I shared with you last week

As a side note, I would like to say that this pastor and this church are not one I expected this sermon from.  It is a very conservative church.... and to some this might sound like a controversial/progressive sermon.  Trust me... this pastor and this church are not! :)

You can listen to the sermon here.  If you need to save time, go ahead and skip ahead 20 minutes into it.  That's where he starts discussing government.  I hope you do get a chance to hear the first 20 minutes as well though as they are fantastic!  Below I've condensed the points he makes that are my favorites- as you can see I have a lot of favorites!  I do hope that while you see the points below you know that is just so you are aware of what I want to highlight for my series.  If you decide not to listen to the sermon then please forfeit your right to judge it! :)

Highlights from Pastor Ben's sermon:

1. It doesn't matter what kind of environment we're in, our commands about government still stand.  Paul himself in Titus 3:1,2 is writing to Christians in Crete, which was a very wicked place.  In Romans 13- one of the main passages for how Christians should respond to government- Paul is writing to the people of Rome who were under Nero!

2.  God puts everyone in office.  Our political leaders are ordained by God and He has a purpose.  When we resist them we resist God.

3.  Recognize the exception that we don't obey government laws when it conflicts with God's commands.

4.  We are to be quiet and tranquil and praying - 1 Timothy 2:1-7 our only aggressiveness should be an "aggressive goodness"!

5.  Why should we respond this way?  Because of Evangelism!  It's about our testimonies and adorning the Gospel of God!

6.  We are not to oppose our government or protest it!  We are often caught up with trying to change government -to "overthrow" it!  We make it all about protecting our values and our way of life- that is not what God calls us to do with our government!  We are not called to change our culture through our government.  Our culture will only change through salvation, which brings us back to evangelism!  What's our goal?? We are often too ready to jump into the ring with our fists up!  So what if we get a law... what if we prevent gay marriage... does that change their hearts?? Or does that make them angry and alienated from us?  We don't need laws- we need changed hearts! 

7.  We spend so much time trying to preserve something that God is not going to preserve...  a way of life, values in our culture... God is not going to do that.  It WILL get worse- we are promised it!  Do we lack faith in God's plan?  Do we not trust what He's doing in our government and how he's using it as a tool to further His church?   Why do we resist His work? 

8.  How should we respond?  Obey, live a tranquil and quiet life, pray for our government, and be a good testimony.  We can speak truth and speak against false teaching but it must always be respectful and we are never to slander anyone!  Too often we go too far and it turns into personal hate.  All that does is make them hate us and make us enemies.  We are not called to hate!

9.  We ourselves were once lost and enslaved to sin!  How did God treat us?  With kindness and love!

10.  We are not placed here for a political agenda.  It is not our role!  Stand for our convictions, yes; but don't take that next step and be combative and unwilling to suffer injustices patiently.  We need to remember how Jesus patiently took ill-treatment from Pontius Pilate! 

11.  We need to remember Who our real King is and where our real citizenship lies!

Remember 2 Timothy 2:24-26:

~And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome, but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil.~


  1. I totally see where he is coming from, and overall, I would say I agree. but this idea of not resisting our government has me a little at odds. what does he do with Daniel, who blatantly defied his government, or Shadrach, Meshach & Abed Nego, who not only defy their govt, but they do it very publicly.
    I agree completely that achanged govt won't make bait of difference in eternity, souls are the key, but our testimony for Christ also hinges upon being willing to defend Christ to the world, and that includes 'politically speaking'.
    remember, if they hate you, it's because they hated Christ first, and the gospel IS offensive to those who don't believe.

  2. Great thoughts! I would point back to "Recognize the exception that we don't obey government laws when it conflicts with God's commands"; and also that we can speak out against false teaching and such errors but should do it in a manner of love and spirit of peace.

  3. Oh and also, I think too often we use the "Well the Gospel is offensive" excuse to be offensive ourselves (not at all saying that is what you're doing, but I've seen others do that). We need to ask ourselves, are people really being offended by the Gospel? If so, great! But how often would we have to answer that we, our actions and attitudes, etc. are the true offense?
