Friday, July 1, 2011


Yes, I am...

...tattooed.  The right ankle says "Dead to Self" and the left ankle says "Alive to Christ".

This summer I had the amazing experience of reading the book "Radical" by David Platt.  I HIGHLY recommend it (and who knows, maybe you'll come away with some other permanent body art after reading it too!;) ).  The book breaks down the core of Christianity and how a Christian should live... from finances, missions, reading the Bible, etc.  It was SO convicting and inspiring.  I have liked tattoos for a long time and wanted one for a while, I just hadn't been able to think of something that I could truly commit to forever like that.  As I was nearing the end of the book I remembered someone I worked with in college who would write "Dead to Self, Alive to Christ" on their arm every day.  It was such an awesome and challenging reminder to me each time I saw that message.  And so, ding!  The tattoo light bulb went off and a few weeks later, viola!  My now new ankles.

The point of this tattoo is three-fold:

1.  It's such a challenging and great reminder to constantly have on me.  Almost like a "WWJD" bracelet except there's no taking it on and off... it's on me alllll the time.  No matter what problems, temptations, or sufferings I go through in my life I cannot escape this message from God, to live to Him and die to myself.  It truly has already influenced me as in moments of temper or pride I happen to glance down and let the Holy Spirit put me back in my place.

2.  It keeps me more accountable.  It's almost like driving a car with a Jesus Fish on it.  Suddenly we're driving better.  Now when I'm in the grocery store, at work, in a long line... I'm finding myself feeling more careful about how I'm treating people and behaving because who knows who's read my ankles?

3.  It's an awesome witnessing opportunity.  Suddenly the question "What's your tattoo?" is like asking "Share your faith with me!"

I recognize for some tattoos still carry a certain stigma, and some even view it as sin; but I know it would be premature, defensive, and wrong of me to come out swingin' from the Tattoo Closet.  So instead, I have desired this opportunity to explain my reasoning here and thank you for hearing my tattoo story.

I truly hope you don't think I've jumped off the spiritual cliff, fallen into the wrong crowd, or slipped off the sinful slope.  If you do, I encourage you to remember... I'm still me.  And I would love the opportunity to discuss it further with you!

So if this isn't your thing, that's totally fine!  I'm glad you listened to my story.  I just hope we can say, "Eh, that's not for me, but whatever", and not blame it on God and pretend like it's His rule. I've heard arguments and read articles that seem to merely whip verses out of context (like Leviticus 19:28) and preach principles that we don't really follow anyways (like "it has some health risks"... well so does driving and cheese pizza...).  Maybe instead we can accept and respect our differences in such areas.

One of the other neat thoughts to me is that one day I will die and leave this body and my tattoos.. and then, when my soul has begun it's new and eternal state in heaven, my body left behind will present a message still that will be truer then then it ever was.... "Dead to Self, Alive to Christ"!


  1. Wow, didn't that hurt??? I have no pain tolerance & no personal desire to ever get a tattoo for myself, but I have friends who have very personal tattoos (mostly in memory of someone or representing their children, etc.), and it is an interesting concept to consider tattoos being used to God's glory. :) Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. Good stuff! It's amazing to me that anyone would think of tatooing in general, as sin.

  3. love it! and on a side note, your feet are super cute :)
