Thursday, February 26, 2009

Oppression alive and well in America...

This link will take you to the current website for tring to save the Scranton State School for the Deaf. Pennsylvania's Governor Rendell has decided to shut down the state's ONLY state run Deaf ...ANYTHING!... to help the PA's budget. Wow, oppression is very real in America today.

I grew up near Scranton and always admired this Deaf residential school. I am now, though far away from Scranton, in training to become a Sign Language Interpreter. I adore the Deaf community. I have also become more and more aware of the daily experiences of oppression that Deaf people go through. This takes the cake though! To shut down the only state run Deaf residential school while the nearby Abington Heights school district's teachers' salaries average $63,336 is despicable! Not to mention the many far from worthy causes that the state's budget goes to- but these are not what's being questioned. What is as of now being shut down to save the state's dime is this precious Deaf school- a place for quality learning and cherished community.

I am ashamed of this state that I grew up in, and I hope and pray that Governor Rendell has a change of heart and mind. Please help me fight for this school, Pennsylvania's Deaf people, and all of the Deaf Community!

1 comment:

  1. I just signed it- hopefully it will be taken seriously!
