Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I recently saw the movie "Fireproof" (yes, just recently:) ). Warning: If you haven't yet, reading this will give away nothing vital to the movie, but will give away parts of it. I have seen all the craze over this movie for some time now and wondered if it was just a fad or truly something great. Now that I have actually seen the movie itself, I can indeed say this is not just a fad. "Fireproof" is truly great, and something I can recommend to everyone. What is it about this movie that is so amazing?

~It's real. Even though it might make you squirm in your chair, "Fireproof" depicts life as it is. The shouting matches, temper fits, and silence treatments might not be fun to watch, but isn't that what goes on in our homes? If you haven't experienced one of these three things specifically, look at the heart issues at hand and how they are manifesting themselves in different ways in you.

~It's not fake. I know this seems to be the same as the first point listed. But my first point discusses the presence of realness that is brought out. Now I want to point out the lack of fakeness as well. Notice the scene when Catherine is sick in bed. She's not all done up with make-up and jewelry as most movies would depict. As a female, I really appreciate this accurate depiction of a woman who's going to stay home sick in bed! There are many other areas in the movie that you notice the Hollywood gloss and glam is put aside. What a relief!

~It's well done. With increasing technology and many improved areas in the media, it is only appropriate that Christians, churches, and ministries strive to keep up. This movie definitely does that. I was super impressed with the professional and over-all good job that this church did!

~Modesty. Animated films aside, I can't remember the last time my husband and I sat down to watch a movie without him having to glance away and/or gaurd where he looks on the screen. Most movies also include my own feelings of frustration, and -let's face it ladies- insecurities over what female image is being presented on the screen. How amazing to watch an entire movie with my husband where we could both look at everything the whole time, and I actually felt respect and honor was given to the female body. Just because it was a Christian movie did not mean this would be the case, because our Christian circles are often just as much to blame in this area. But that's a whole other blog.

~ It deals with issues that we usually keep quiet about. What Caleb brings up on the computer screen, Catherine's (at first subtle) flirting with a guy at work, gossiping with friends- these and other sins are faced head on in "Fireproof". This movie is not afraid to call it like it is and show the actual reprocussions of these sins. There's no beating around the bush- the effects and ugliness of these and other struggles are laid out plain as day in this movie. If our churches and Christian circles could deal with these sins so boldly and directly, I wonder how much more we could conquer them?

~ The Christian perspective. We've all seen struggles in a man and woman's relationship from Hollywood before. But it is so great to finally get this from a Biblical view. Instead of condoning the struggles with "Men will be men", or "Women have needs" labels, this movie shows what it's like to work through these temptations and problems, instead of giving in to them. "Fireproof" also gives a clear gospel message. To tell the truth, I think if I were going to make a movie and hope for it's success, I would be tempted to make the gospel a little more vague, a little more subtle. Not these guys! I commend them for dealing with such truths as Jesus death, burial and resurrection; our being sinners in need of a Savior; and Jesus being the only way (notice especially in the firestation when one fireman tells another that either he [who believes our bodies will just rot in the ground] or our Christian character Caleb is wrong- they can't both be right).

~ Many different relationships. Even if you're not married or in a relationship that could be headed there, you can glean different points on other relationships as well. We see this through friendships, co-workers, and the relationship between parents and their children. The importance of accountability, respect, and kindness in relationships are brought out several times in this movie.

Again, I highly recommend this movie to everyone. If I've missed any other great aspects of it, I certainly didn't intend that:)


  1. Thanks for writing this- Joel & I need to see this movie- our church showed it right before Valentine's Day, but we had to work at camp. :(

  2. Im glad you guys liked it!! Dan saw part of it at a friends house and had to leave and i haven't seen it yet...but were gonna watch it when he comes out!! :) im soo excited and so is he! He said the first hour that he saw was awesome! :)
