Over the next few blog posts I'd like to explore this subject further. I will be sharing some thought provoking links to help us answer these questions. And other questions like...
~ What is the Christian's role in politics?
~ What should our attitude and response be towards our government?
~ How should we go about seeking change?
I've blogged about politics several times before, so you may have an idea of where I stand on this issue. However, I hope you will stick with me in this short series and also expose yourself to the links I will be sharing. For the first link I would love for you to read the following article. It is pretty much pure newsy-ness... not a lot of writer's opinion or bias here... and I think it's a good way for us to get our wheels turning:
"Onward, Christian voters: Religion plays growing role in politics"
I think you're right that we don't really understand the separation of church & state - looking forward to learning from the links & facts & opinions that you'll share in this series! :)