Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fairy Tales

We all know the routine...  it starts with, "Once upon a time..." and ends with "Happily ever after".  Throw in a few evil schemes, magical moments and glorious victories and ta-da, you have your classic fairy tale. 

What is it about the fairy tale that's so alluring?  I mean not just for children, but for everyone?  Why do we produce movies such as "Ever After" to carry the fairy tale to adulthood so that we can keep it with us?  Why do princes and princesses still touch our deepest heartstrings? What is it about a good fairy tale that we just can't let go of?

In my opinion, the fairy tale, no matter if it's Cinderella, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, etc. is so alluring because it is so true and close to real life.  Ok, ok... before you think I'm a total whack-job let me explain.  Of course I realize that wicked step-mothers, poison apples and magic potions are NOT a common thread in our lives, but think of all the underlying themes that DO ring true to each of our daily routines and hearts.

Ahh yes, whether it's at your work place, social outings, families, school, etc you've certainly had your share of fairy tale themes.  The good guy/bad guy wars, the witches and ogres, the princesses and princes, the weak and the strong, the captive and the free, the oppressed and the oppressive. 

Those who work the hardest get paid the least.  The number of moral, ethical, and even legal crimes that people get away with.   People who know the least about something yet know it the loudest.  People who mock and tease.  People who absolutely seep with negativity and criticism.  People who squander others in a selfish constant quest for only helping themselves.  The villains in your own fairy tale.

Fortunately there's the other aspects of fairy tales that rings true to life as well.  The heroes, the moments of vindication, the battles won for the right team, the moment the prince finally appears and the princess wakes up.  The time when finally the witch is banished and the wicked step-mother is seen for her true colors.

Sure these delightful moments seem few and far between.  And while we will still be misunderstood and wronged, it's amazing as a Christian to know that we will for sure get a happy ending.  As God tells us in Romans 8:28, all things WILL work together for good in the end.  And an eternity in Heaven with Him is certainly the best "happily ever after"... ever!

1 comment:

  1. Sooo true!!! I have thought about this some too and I think that it's interesting (especially in twilight) how often the "knight in shining armor" so often puts his life on the line for the girl and how Christ died for us. It seems to me that we crave that. Its just interesting. Thanks for sharing! :)
