Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's not too late to Lent!

Last year I blogged an explanation of why I participate in Lent.  In case you missed it, please read it here!

Tomorrow begins this years Lent.  I am so utterly excited for all that God is going to teach me and do in my life!  I am more than looking forward to the end of Lent, not because I can go back to my normal habits, but because Lent takes us at its end right into Easter, which is the most beautiful day of the year to me!!!  And by that day, God will have revealed so much to me through my Lent.

I want to encourage you tonight to consider participating in Lent this year.  Maybe you never have, or maybe you have but were thinking of skipping this year.  If you never have before, I suggest to you to try something new with God.  Give Him yet more access to you.  Be amazed with me over the next 40 days of what all He will show you!  If you have done it before, and are thinking of skipping this year, then I encourage you to pause and remember with me what great things come from Lent.  The sweetness in sacrifice.  The challenge in change.  The lessons in Lent.

Maybe you need to stop and do some research before you jump into Lent.  Then please do; but don't use ignorance as an excuse.  If you have not yet committed to Lent this year, then put a little effort out there tonight to make that decision.  It's not too late to Lent this year.  Why not? 


  1. So what are you giving up for Lent this year?

  2. Well since it's not always that you have to give something up I'm actually doing some different things- first, I'm getting up 1/2 hr earlier every day and switching my devo's to that morning time ( I normally do them at night). Then I'm making the bed every day (a big deal for me lol!). Lastly, for every worry I have I'm making myself list 3 things God has done for me :)

  3. Thanks for this blog Em! I am horrible with dates and I always have to be reminded of when Lent is (usually the day before like this). Last year, through encouragement from you and Holly, I gave up all secular music. That experience was AMAZING! Not only did I find some new bands that I like but it was so incredible to be always surrounded by things focused on God. It really changed my attitude. Something so simple yet such an incredible impact on my focus on God. Just thought I'd share. Good luck with the bed making! :-)

  4. Ooh, Emily, cool!! I love your perspective that it's about focusing on God & not just 'giving something up' - great reminder! I think I will join you in attempting to get up at 6:30 to do my devos instead of 7:00! :)

  5. Jess and Carrie- Thanks so much for the encouragement! I'm so happy for your experiences of Lent and I will be praying for you both!!!
