Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What's the Problem? Part 2

Of these two scenarios that I mentioned, I want to focus more now on the second.  As I explained, I have personally heard so many negative comments against the public schools and experienced many people's attacking of them.  Often these have to do with the public schools not teaching creation but instead teaching evolution, not allowing prayer, and other aspects that are not "Christian-like".  Unfortunately usually these complaints I hear are not presented as well explained arguments or thought out views; they are instead basic rants and quick-tongued insults.  Comments like "sending your kids to the public school is sending them to the pits of hell", or "Sending your kids to the public schools is like sending lambs to wolves" are such comments that infuriate me.

One specific situation I explained in my blog "Prayer, Alcohol, and Halloween".  Some more thoughts on this and the general complaining I described above:

~I know that we would love to have a perfect Christian country where we all believe the same and share the same faith.  That will be heaven; this is now.  The public schools are just that.  We do have Christian schools in our country, so if you'd like the Bible read, Jesus taught, and prayer, then the option is out there.

~Check your facts.  I've heard comments like "They don't allow prayer in the public schools..."  Not true.  Such general and vague comments like these cause complete misunderstandings and misnomers.  Children are free to pray in the public schools, teachers and staff just may not lead them in prayer.

~Speak only for what you truly know.  For example, I can speak and know a lot about the county I'm employed in, however I cannot speak for all public schools everywhere.  Neither can you, and if you are not truly involved in any public school than you really can't speak for any of them at all.

~What if everything you wanted of Christianity in the public schools was another religion- and it was prayers to another god and another faith being taught.  How would you feel about that?  That's how unbelievers feel about Christianity in the public schools.  Whether you agree or disagree, try to sympathize.

~If you do decide to homeschool your kids or send them to Christian school because of your concerns with the public schools, then please keep your mouth quiet about the public schools.  You have opted out, so please do so.  Your kids are "safe", so really, why the outrage? 

~If the outrage is because you're sure the public schools are just one more area that is pulling this country down, then DO something about it.  That is my main point in this blog- if you are so worked up about something and feel there is so much danger going on then STEP UP and do something.  Saying, tweeting, facebooking your gripes and worries do no good.  You might say "Oh, I'm creating awareness about what's going on".  So what?  Creating awareness about a "problem" but doing nothing to then create a solution is pointless and weak.  I greatly respect Christians who are involved in Good News Clubs, KidVenture, and other ministries in public schools.  The options are out there and access to Jesus can be shared in the public schools through these venues.  You CAN get plugged in, if you so choose. If not, then please stop complaining; it's not truly that important to you.

1 comment:

  1. Okay so I really love your first point in this whole argument the most...I wish people would realize that in this area of life and many others! We can't force everyone to act "christian" in this world nor should we think that they will. The Bible does not say that they will- it says the opposite!
