Sunday, January 31, 2010

Disabled or Abled? Part 2

So what do you think? If you got a chance to look at the video in the first post of this series, then I'm hoping that you formed some reply to this question, or at least that the wheels started turning.

I personally cringe at labeling someone "disabled". Not because I'm just that politically correct nor because I view us all as "winners". I cringe because I find it very shallow to label someone broken just because of a physical difference.

Now, I know you might me thinking, "Aw c'mon. It is what it is. Facts are facts, and we don't need any more touchy-feely fluff. Don't get so worked up about this." To those of you who might be thinking along these lines, I encourage you to take your brain-washed narrow American-mindsets and try to open them for just a minute.

Patrick Henry Hughes is viewed as someone who is disabled. He is viewed as someone with a lot of "can't"s. And because his specific can'ts are of a physical nature he is labeled as disabled. But is he? His hands are viewed as disabled, yet he can play the piano better than I could ever dream; and I can see, I've had years of lessons, and I am not publicly viewed as "disabled". But when it comes to the piano, Patrick is way more abled than I ever will be.

A dear friend and the person I respect the most highly is viewed as "disabled". I got the amazing opportunity to live with her for a while. I will never, ever view her as disabled. I watched her all day every day love, serve and encourage others, even though I know she physically suffered the whole time. She is stronger than I ever will be physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I am so much more disabled than she.

The Deaf Community is one that is labeled disabled. My personal studies and interactions with them have shown me they are anything but. They are a linguistic and culture minority group. But because they have a "can't" we call them broken and pity them.

Who of us doesn't have "can't"s? Why do we have the gall to decide that certain can'ts make you disabled, despite all your other "can"s??

I am not speaking for the Deaf Community. I am not speaking for my friend. I am not speaking for Patrick Henry Hughes. I am speaking for no one accept myself.

And I am saying this: The really broken unabled people out there look great. They are physically near perfection. Inside, emotionally, spiritually they are so crippled. Some of the ugliest people are the most physically attractive. I think the people we call disabled are anything but. All of us are different physically and have different abilities.

"God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7

Are we getting any closer to seeing as God sees?

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