Monday, December 28, 2009

Warning: You've been poisoned.

In case you didn't realize it, there is a toxic, deadly poison in you right now. Its power is one that you stand no chance against on your own.

This poison is sin, and we are all contaminated.

The remedy is Jesus Christ's blood, which has been poured out for you and all. Upon your accepting this remedy, the deadly affects of the poison of sin are overpowered with God's forgiveness, grace, mercy, and life.

Yet while we have the remedy, we still have the poison; and how often we choose to poison ourselves again.

What a struggle indeed.

The thing that shocks me is that while Christians would agree with this, we do not live to match. We claim we understand that we are all sinners and that we can do nothing good apart from Christ. But that's just not how we live.

I think if we really understood all of this, we would be a lot less trusting of ourselves, consumed with ourselves, and impressed with ourselves.

If we really believed that we have a dangerous and dark pull towards sin.... that we are nothing good on our own... and that God is our only chance of true success, meaning, and good...

Then why... why are we so self-sufficient? Why are we so proud? Why do we feel so safe and comfortable?

Thankfully, God will not take our remedy away. He holds us tight in His hands. Even while we take the poison back.

If you claim to believe that this poison exists and that your human tendency is towards taking the poison, then respond appropriately. I think an appropriate response involves a lot of things... including humility, service, worship, praising God, prayer, memorizing Scripture, putting on the WHOLE armour of God, having an eternal perspective...

If you claim you believe in this tendency towards the poison of sin, but don't implement the things listed above, then who are you kidding? Have you no fear of this poison? Are you that confident of yourself? If you think you're standing strong, get prepared to land on your backside.

Galatians 2:20 says that if you've been crucified to Christ it is no longer you who live, but Christ Who lives in you. Can't have both. Can't be crucified to Him and keep your own self alive. Dying to self is the only way to live to Him.

We need to be broken. Broken of ourselves and our pride.

I'm tired of hearing Christians claim these convictions yet consistently live however they want. They watch what they want, eat what they want, wear what they want, say what they want, do what they want etc. etc. etc.

If you're not struggling daily for the right thing- fighting to make godly decisions, then you're probably not making them. Doing the right thing is not easy because the poison wants us. So fall on your face before Him, die to yourself, and live to HIM.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12

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