Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Too hard on yourself? Probably not.

Last week and the two weekends encasing it I enjoyed my fall break. 10 days of being far, far away from work, house duties, homework, and all the other daily stresses of life. Ahh.... vacation. It was so nice to take it easy!

Taking it easy... is this really only something we do on vacations? These musings remind me of a recent conversation that I had with a good friend. We were discussing time management (gew) and other challenges of being a grown up. In the discussion she mentioned to me that she realized she was being too easy on herself.

Too... huh?? Too... easy? Surely she means to say she's too hard on herself... right?

I'm confused. No... wait a minute. I'm refreshed.

To hear someone talk about their struggles and actually take personal responsibility is SO refreshing. We live in a culture... both American and Christian... that is sopped with sympathy, excuses, and "poor you" philosophies. The mere shock of my ears on hearing someone say they were being too easy on themselves and that it was time for them to step it up and gain some self discipline is well... I really shouldn't be so shocked. Shouldn't we be hearing this more often?

Shouldn't we be saying this more often?

In the Bible, we rarely see a lot of pity going on. And there are some real reasons in there to show some! I mean c'mon... lion's dens, world-wide floods, prisoning for one's faith, beatings, stonings, mockings, and on and on it goes. Instead of pity parties, we read calls to courage, faith, and control. We read that the Christian life is one of wars and races. NOT easy. So why do we expect it to be?

It's time for Christians to get over themselves and accept that life is life and heaven will be heaven. Sometimes when I find myself going down a mental path of poor poor pitiful me I stop and remind myself that I am living in a sin-cursed world that is no longer the way God intended. And neither am I. After this life is all said and done, the reward of being in heaven with HIM and the way it all was meant to be will make the struggle and hassle of this earth more than worth it. And in the meantime the mental image of Jesus dying on the cross for ME makes me ashamed of being so inward focused. He certainly did not take the easy way.

Our culture tells us to follow our "likes". We eat what we like, do what we like, think what we like, and pursue what we like. And our desires become far from His.

So basically, let's mature up and learn some self-discipline. The world will say you're being too hard on yourself... I challenge you to avoid the dangerous path of being too easy on yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blogs they are inspiring and sometimes convicting. Thanks for posting.
