Saturday, July 11, 2009

Oh, Oprah.

I know this video has been out for a while now, but I wanted to post it on here.

I find this clip very disturbing. Here's why:

1. Debate for Jesus? Risky: You can try, but I can't think of the last time someone was debated into faith. It just isn't in the nature of debating. Debating is in itself argumentative and closed-minded. The goals of debating are to manipulate words, make your points, and in essence, win. Debating is generally all about winning, not about seeking the truth together. And it tends to be hostile. So even if you're debating for truth, the nature of debating in itself tends to take away from the focus of truth and seeks instead a competition. While I appreciate that the women in this stuck up for Jesus, I find the one at the microphone to have a much better spirit about it than the one sitting down. I am not picking on that woman, and I TOTALLY understand her frustration; but I'm just saying that the debating nature made me cringe.

2. Oprah's philosophy is not uncommon: The powers of "evil and good" or"light and darkness" are then renamed "fear and love". Oprah says, "One of the mistakes human beings make is that there is only one way." "There are many paths to what you call God..." "There couldn't possibly be one way!" This philosophy is not uncommon. Actually, it is very much common. And scary. So, the people that plowed into the World Trade Towers... did they serve the same God I do? Maybe Oprah thinks so. But they definitely did not.

3. We won't get to the same point, Oprah: "Her loving and her kindness and her generosity, if it brings her to the same point that it brings you, it doesn't matter if she calls it God." Hate to tell ya Oprah, but we won't end up at the same point.

4. She can't get into a religious argument? She sure thought she could until she didn't have an answer back. Oprah's claim that she can't get into a religious argument at the end is poor timing, since she was on board for that argument until she couldn't think of an answer. This is what people around us do every day.... as soon as the questions get tough enough, they turn off the thinking process and give up on seeking answers.

Some truth:

John 3:18- "He that believes on Him is not condemned: but He that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

John 14:6- "Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. "

John 3:16- "16"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."

Hillsong says it well in their song No Reason to Hide:

"We've got nothing to lose,
We've got no reason to hide.
We've got the answer inside of us,
Its time we took the disguises off.
We'll see Your glory revealed,
And see Your Name lifted high.
There's nobody else for us,
Jesus, You are the only One!
There's not a minute to waste,
Not a second to lose!"

To Oprah: If you're gonna deny my God, do it; but do not claim that He is one of "millions" of ways to "the light". If Jesus wasn't Who HE SAID He was, then He was a lying lunatic. So pick one or the other.

To those who personally know the Jesus of the Bible and have a relationship with Him: People are dying and going to hell every day. Oprah asks the question of what about those who never hear of Him? Do we ask that question? Are we taking EVERY OPPORTUNITY to preach the truth of Christ? Do you realize there are many misconceptions about Jesus today? So many claim to believe in Him.... but they do not believe in the "Jesus" we do. Let's not give ourselves a big pat on the back for just claiming Jesus as our friend. JESUS IS OUR SAVIOUR. We need to share the message of His Salvation! There's not a second to lose!


  1. I agree about the point on debating. I hate debating, it just brings out the worst in people.

  2. I disagree that debating brings out the worst in people, Jason, you good-for-nothing, low-down... oh wait.

  3. Wow, interesting video - I hadn't seen it. Poor Oprah. It is so sad that so many are buying into the lie, and yes, I agree with you that the seated lady should have let the standing lady talk b/c she had a much better spirit about it & may have made some progress if she could've gotten a word in edgewise. :)

    Also - Jason, you LOVE debating, just like your brother - who are you kidding? :)
