Saturday, June 20, 2009

Here goes nothing... let round 1 begin.

I haven't posted in a while.

It's not because I've been busy, though I have. And it's not because I've had writer's block.

It's because I've been too scared to post what I know I've been needing to post about.

You see, the Christian audience is one of the most critical, judgmental, and closed-minded audience out there. I said it.

Now, maybe my little audience of readers on here will be anything but. That would be fantastic. If you guys could be open and gracious and not easily offended, wow... yes, fantastic.

The issue is that from day one of this blog I've wanted to write on a topic that is not popular. So I've blogged about many other things that are important to me as well; but I've been pressed lately that it's about time I blog about what I've wanted to write about for so long. Actually, even long before this blog I have been wanting to write or in some form express my view on this unpopular area. But I have kept my opinions of it to only those closest to me.

A couple of disclaimers first:

I know I'm a strongly opinionated person. I know it can get ridiculous. Like it really drives me nuts when people can't even go in the correct "Exit" or "Entrance" signs at Walmart. Or if anyone heard me while driving they might think I were insane. My first disclaimer is that I want you all to know that that is not the case here. I am not merely ranting about something I know shouldn't be such a big deal. And I am not ranting. I am burdened. And I have thought and prayed so much over this topic for YEARS. Many many years.

With that being said, I am also probably not completely what a lot of people think I am. There are quite a few areas that Christians label as black, while I would put them in the gray or even the white. I have some views that are very different from what a lot of Christians have and from what I grew up with. I would only tell these views of mine to a very few trusted and close friends who I know wouldn't judge or write me off. So basically my disclaimer #2 is that the topic I will be blogging on is not coming from a legalistic, extremely conservative writer, because I am not one.

Disclaimer #3: This is not an attack against ANYONE in particular. It is not meant as an attack at all, but especially not against specific people. Many experiences, places, people, and events have caused me to write what I will be writing on.

My current topic will be a short series on modesty. There ya go. Unpopular, un-dealt with modesty. Well, I take that back... it's sometimes dealt with but not in effective or even appropriate ways. Usually these end up doing more harm than good.

But the fact is that I'm tired of being shocked at our current Christian culture and how Christian women and girls in it dress. I'm tired of us not even trying or caring anymore. I'm tired of those who should know better crossing lines. And I'm tired of those who truly don't know better having zero guidance from our Christian leaders and environments to help them know better.

I've been in many many MANY churches, two Christian colleges, several Christian book stores; and have many Christian friends on facebook who's pictures often do more than surprise me. I'm tired of being shocked. I'm burdened for those who don't know better. I'm flabbergasted at those who do.

So these are my disclaimers. My next few posts will be taking a deeper, realer, and straight up look at this issue. I will be blogging from the depths of my heart. If you choose now to tune out to my next several postings, fine. That stinks, but fine. My hope is that those who are willing to listen.... those who are open.... those who care, keep reading.


  1. Nonnny, i am so excited to hear what you have to say about this, although haha we have had so many talks about it! This is an awesome subject and i appreciate that you are willing to put it out there! you have taught me so much on this subject and i hope that other ladies will listen to you because this is a subject that some women...even christian women...are so naive about and it sickens me. hope to hear more soon! love you! cant wait to see u in august!!!
    love, your new sister in law (woohoo!)

  2. Looking forward to your thoughts on this topic! I just heard this argument for modesty tonight on a TV show: If you dress immodestly, it shows that you have no respect for yourself, so you have to let people see your body b/c you don't believe anything else about you has worth. I had never thought of it that way, and thought it was interesting. Anyway...

    I know what you mean about the unpopular topic...I have a post I kind of want to post (but I really DON'T want to...) that is pro-$panking, well, it's a Biblical study on the topic, which can only lean one way, in my opinion. I know a lot of my babywearing, attachment parenting readers are anti-$panking, so I haven't written it...but thanks for the encouragement to speak out! :)
