Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Worship Through Music

I am so thankful for music. I adore music. I worship God through music.

Every relationship has some aspect of it that makes it especially close. Maybe it's going out to dinner, watching a movie, going for a walk, talking, etc. It's no different in our relationship with God. We all have something that brings us especially close to Him, and it differs among us. From reading the Bible, to prayer, to looking at His creation... to music. Mine is music. I worship God in many ways, all of the above being included. But I especially worship Him through music. That is the mode of worship that brings me so very close to Him.

I am so thankful to be in a church that sincerely, deeply, and loudly worships Him through music. It's amazing! I look forward to every worship time at our church. I get excited about what songs we'll sing, and I nearly die on the Sundays that we greet at the door. I can hear the music being sung and played inside as I stand at the door wishing I was in there being a part of it!

Music is a gift from God. I thank Him for this present! When I'm depressed, discouraged, tempted, lonely, or any way struggling, God uses music to break through to me. He uses it to encourage me, love me, convict me, and hold me.

I can't wait to sing in heaven. It is going to be unbelievable.

So that is why I am so quickly again putting up another song on my blog here. My worship leader just introduced me to yet again another wonderful song by Hillsong. Look and listen to these words! WOW. Can we truly pray this?? Do you realize the ramifications of these words??

Take my life,
I lay it down,
At the cross,
Where I am found.
All I have I give to You, oh God.

Take my hands,
And make them clean.
Keep my heart,
In purity,
That I may walk in all You have for me.

Oh, here I stand arms open wide.
Oh, I am Yours and You are mine.


Take my moments,
And my days,
Let each breath,
That I take,
Be ever only for You, oh God

Oh, here I stand arms open wide.
Oh, I am Yours and You are mine.

Oh, here I stand arms open wide.
Oh, I am Yours and You are mine.

My whole life is Yours,
I give it all surrendered to Your name.
And forever I will pray,
Have Your way,
Have Your way.

Oh, here I stand arms open wide.
Oh, I am Yours and You are mine.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, cool song. I like it. I also feel closer to God when I'm worshiping Him through song. What an amazing privilege & gift He's given us to praise Him this way!!! I often think of Heaven when I'm in the middle of our summer staff all loudly singing praise with all of our hearts...it's amazing. :) Thanks for sharing!
