Monday, March 30, 2009

The Distortion of Beauty Part 2

The fact that beauty is being distorted more and more is not something I'm going to try to argue or defend. This fact is the foundation for my current blogs, and I'm going to assume it is a common ground for us.

The question I now want to pursue is this: what is it that is distorting beauty? The devil and sin would be safe Sunday School answers, and at its root this is indeed the cause. But I want to think more deeply. What are the tools that Satan is using in this attack against beauty?

There are certainly quite a few tools he uses, but for this blog I just want to focus on one. The media. I would readily say the media is one of the largest weapons of his against true beauty. I'm sure it is no surprise to you that I think this, considering my video in Part 1. Amongst all the airbrushing, fashion, make-up wonders, plastic surgeries, and perfectionist mentalities, we are definitely taught that beauty is indeed skin deep. From television to magazines it is the made-up, fake, and flawless surface beauty that we are given as our definition and goal of beauty. It is one that is for the most part unreachable without a crew of beauty artists and Photo-shop. Yet how many of us find ourselves striving for this? We try our hardest on our own to meet the world's demands for beauty. We think if we could just find the right concealer, mascara or hair dye we would be that much closer to matching the images we are given. We keep striving and keep coming short. We find ourselves insecure and frustrated. This is because the standards we are given are fraudulent. Cheap, unreal, counterfeit images. Instead of becoming discouraged or unsatisfied with our appearance we should be outraged at the requirements before us.

Look at the media and look at how much the world is pouring into this so-called beauty. Think how many magazine articles, television shows, critics, and movies are nothing but a revelry of this cheap counterfeit. Magazine after magazine tells us the secrets and hints of beauty. Movies and TV shows depict the longed-for, if only we were that beautiful. Critics define one's status and success by what they wear. So much money, energy, time, and emotions are poured into this thing we call "beauty". We should be sickened.

I challenge you to sit for even one hour and watch TV with all the discernment you can muster up. Listen to what the media is telling you. Hear that? Listen to what it tells you would make you beautiful. Listen to what it tells you you need. Listen to who it tells you is beautiful, and who is not. Listen to what it tells you to do with that beauty. Listen.

Listen, and start fighting Satan's biggest weapon against beauty.


  1. This is such a good point - and think of all the people who have become CONSUMED by this false beauty & by appearances. How many people have even gone as far as to commit suicide because they didn't feel like they were good enough?

  2. i totally agree! i have recently limited myself in my tv watching...i was going overboard and it was NOT helping. i try to watch like one show a day now and usually it ends up being scooby doo. ;) i just cant stand to see those women on there who are SO unrealistic! have you seen the recent hardees ad? im NEVER EVER eating there again. it is the most ridiculous ad ive ever seen...except the one they had three(ish) years ago that they showed on the news! THAT was the most sexually explicit commercial i have ever seen. also burger king now has a commercial where "sir mix a lot" is rapping and the king guy is dancing and its all about "square butts" because of sponge bob but its ridiculous because its a little kids toy and theyre still trying to sell it with sex! it makes me sick! *sigh* wow.
